ERP projects are challenging, even more if they are global ones. ERP directors and project managers face additional obstacles in this case, that might be difficult to explain in the organization. CANNY helps you from end to end in this journey.

1 - Team staffing and Roadmap Design

If you are just starting, CANNY helps you hiring ERP experts for your internal team, and designing a roadmap with rollouts to different regions.

CANNY looks to complement and reinforce your own team, finding the ERP experts your need and creating a long-term relationship with you. If you hire a service provider, we can also help them finding the right experts for the project, without being involved in it from a management perspective.

2 - Global Model Creation

This is an important phase, with key decisions. The ideal commonality level the model needs to contain will define the efficiency of the future rollouts. CANNY can determine the right global model for your company, including integrations.

3 - Rollout Planning

Deploying same ERP in all regions is a complex task, and knowing which factors can affect the project in each country is key to avoid project failure. ERP knowledge is necessary, but also local knowledge and how to solve typical gaps, otherwise the process will be painful. Knowing in advance what to expect well in each country is crucial for doing your project on-time and on-budget.